Theory of Aging: Chronic or Excess Inflammation Damage | Inflammaging

Error Accumulation Theory of Aging:

Chronic or Excess Inflammation Damage

Inflammation is a natural and complex process involving an abundance of cellular and molecular actions including the cells from immune system. The response of our body to stimuli perceived to be harmful, such as, damaged cells, irritants or infectious pathogens (bacteria, virus). Inflammation is an automatic response process to eliminate injurious stimuli and to start healing – a protective mechanism to remove the injurious stimuli (infectious pathogens, etc) as well as initiate the healing process for the tissue.

However, excessive or chronic inflammation, on the other hand, is an inappropriate response that can lead to all kinds of damages including potentially fatal conditions. It is believed that chronic inflammation is the cause of most age related damage, because excessive inflammation also produces excessive toxic chemicals which not only fight bacteria, but also damage normal body tissues. It can be initiated by multiple inter-cellular signaling pathways and may be due to multiple causes including oxidative damage and the presence of AGEs. In a condition of chronic inflammation there is a continuing release of pro-inflammatory signaling molecules including cytokines. One example component in excess inflammation is excitotoxicity in which brain cells get over-excited. Another component in inflammation is TNF (tumor necrosis factor), excess TNF promotes the degeneration of brain and nerves.

The impressive list of inflammatory disorders includes congestive heart disease, stroke, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic inflammation, tendonitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, vasculitis, auto immune diseases, asthma, other allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, and glomerulonephritis. It is also the active element in acute appendicitis, acute dermatitis, and acute meningitis. Chronic inflammation such as connected with arthritis can affect joints and lead to orthopedic joint degeneration.

Inflammation contributes to the growth of many cancers affecting the micro environment around tumors. It can contributes to tumor proliferation, survival and migration. Many cancer cells secrete substances that promote inflammation, called selectins and chemokines, to contribute to their capability to grow, penetrate surrounding tissues and metastasize. Excess or chronic inflammation appears to be a core condition underlying many if not most age-related disease processes as well.

Many anti-aging supplements have anti-inflammatory activity. Omega-3 fish oil (essential fatty acids) has been used for anti-inflammatory purposes, however it only deal with one component of inflammation. The best known natural calorie restriction mimics resveratrol (an anti-inflammatory and an antioxidant) has been used to keep TNF as low as possible.

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