Beauty, Aging And Self-Confidence

Whether we like it or not, youth and beauty play a part in how we feel at work.

Last week we ran a story, “Beauty And The Boss,” on one touchy aspect of the self-image issue: aging. As we leave our 30s and enter our 40s and beyond, many women struggle with both the physical and emotional issues of getting older.

Writes Vivian Diller, Ph.D., and Jill Muir-Sukenick, Ph.D., both models-turned psychotherapists, and the co-authors of our article and the new book Face It: “Intellectually we understand aging. So why does the first wrinkle or gray hair send us into an emotional tailspin? As smart women we were raised to believe that success and happiness are based on intelligence and accomplishments. Many of us never expected to feel this deeply about a seemingly superficial issues. But let’s face it, we do!”

But once you equate beauty with youth, the authors say, and with professional value–you’re fighting a losing battle. At some point you’ll feel anxious, marginalized and dispensable. Every new employee can represent a threat, and you may become the obsessed victim of your own thoughts or fears.

When we opened the discussion to the ForbesWoman communities on Facebook and LinkedIn, we dealt with some backlash over the subject, but we also heard some very refreshing honesty.

“Let’s just keep the competition over youth and beauty alive,” Sharon Danley says on Facebook. “Shame on you!” Danley’s take is that the more important issues are smarts and confidence, not youth and looks.

But as authors Diller and Muir-Sukenick point out, self-confidence and perceiving ourselves as attractive have more to do with each other than most women would care to admit. They call it the “halo effect”–how we unconsciously equate one trait of a person to every other trait. She’s pretty? Well then she also must be responsible and smart.

“I ‘suffer’ this topic in my life,” writes Linda C. Smith, an artist based in San Francisco, via LinkedIn. “I’m turning 60 this year and have two daughters in their early 30s. They are gorgeous with trim figures and are quite stylish in their fashion choices. Me? I’ve been in menopause for over nine years and have watched it reform my figure from my still-size-10 when I was age 45, to now looking like my grandmother.”

But beyond the “Am I still a beautiful woman?” question, what about feeling threatened by the youth–and beauty–of our co-workers around us? Are we right to shake in our boots when a 20-something enters the office armed with good looks and a strong résumé?

Karen Southall Watts weighs in on Facebook: “Sadly employers do prefer younger workers a great deal of the time, as they are seen to be more energetic and healthier–less likely to use their benefits. Ask any woman (or man) over 40 who has looked for work in the last few years. We do live in a culture that worships youth, beauty and fame.”

“To ask if you’ve been threatened by someone younger and prettier is a more layered issue, I think,” says Amy Pietrasanta on Facebook. “There are also studies that more attractive people are perceived as more confident.”

She’s right. A 2007 study published in the Journal of Labor Economics states that attractive people earn roughly 5% more in hourly pay than their plain-looking co-workers, who themselves earn 9% more than the most homely employees. A Cornell University study recently showed women’s wages dropping as much as 9% as a result of weight gain.

“I don’t think it’s a silly question,” chimes in commenter Ratso Rizzo on Facebook. “We may not admit it but most of us have, at times, been intimidated by youth or beauty either in our personal lives or in business. Whether it’s the ‘I’m not pretty enough’ or the ‘Now how am I going to keep these men focused,’ in our society it IS an issue.”

But maybe the attention or constant positivity associated with being young and attractive isn’t always a good thing. As Facebook fan Erica Gingerich points out, “I think when you are in your 20s and just starting out, you mistake the ‘positive’ attention that male colleagues and bosses give you as their being interested in what your brain has to offer– when they are almost always more interested in what your nether regions have to offer.”

Gingerich continues: “It’s nice being in my mid-30s and not having to deal with that ‘false appreciation’ anymore. It’s been interesting to see this issue from the other side of 30. That is, I now see male colleagues drooling over a newbie in her early 20s and think, She’ll catch on to them sooner or later.”

Lynn Maria Thompson shares her own history on Facebook with being young and beautiful: “Youth tended to work against me in the corporate world; all the men thought I was ‘hot to trot’ because I was young and blonde, and they were the ones in power when I was young. When I didn’t live up to their expectations in that area, I got nowhere. Once I got older, I actually had a younger boss who felt threatened by me because I had more experience and company knowledge than she did … ”

Thompson’s experience puts an interesting flip on this talk of feeling “less than” when faced with younger employees and colleagues. Her younger boss felt threatened by her experience and know-how in the industry. These are traits that, presumably, Thompson values in herself and inspires self-confidence.

Maybe that’s the answer: Confidence in the workplace comes from within, whether it comes from your pretty face, flawless memory or impeccable command of the boardroom. The authors of Face It put it this way: “When you got your job, it was because you were an attractive candidate in all respects. You may be more mature [now], but you’re also more valuable because of your accumulated wisdom.”

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