How to protect your Urinary Tract from infections?

How to protect your Urinary Tract from infections?

The urinary tract is responsible for eliminating liquid waste from the human body. The bladder holds the urine until and unless you are ready to release it.  Any kind of interruption in the urine flow can hamper your excretory process. Few people suffer from unregulated urine flow due to abnormalities in urinary tract. People with kidney stones experience urinary problems due to inadequate emptying of urinary bladder. The left over urine gets contaminated after some time. This decayed urine acts as a breeding ground for germs and bacteria that lead to urinary tract infection.

The bacterium grows inside the bladder and multiplies itself to spread urinary infections. These bacterial microbes stick to the bladder walls and give birth to the symptoms of bladder infections. At times, the infection moves towards the kidneys and damages its purifying process. This phenomenon leads to permanent blockage of the kidney. Hence, one should be cautious while dealing with bladder or kidney infection.

You can ward off these infections by maintaining regular cleanliness regimes. Ideally, you should take a shower instead of a tub bath. This prevents the transfer of infections from the urethra to the urinary organs. Moreover, you should drink ample water for efficient functioning of the urinary tract.

Taking care of the urinary system is vital to supporting good health. There are general considerations for everyone to protect their urinary system. Some considerations, on the other hand, are gender specific.

1. Drink plenty of water. It is generally recommended to drink at least eight 8-oz. glasses of water per day. It is OK to drink other fluids, such as juices. However water is vital to keeping the kidneys flushed.

2. Use the bathroom when the urge arises. Holding it for too long can weaken the bladder muscles and lead to accidents.

3. Wipe front to back to prevent a urinary tract infection in female patients. Because the female urethra is an opening to the urinary tract, if bacteria is introduced into the tract it can cause an infection.

4. Eat a healthy diet including fruits, vegetables, protein and whole grains. Eating a diet high in fat can place stress on the kidneys when attempting to extract urea during processing. The processing of foods with high concentrations of fat can result in the formation of kidney stones.

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