The Consequences Of An Expanding Waist Line

Lose Fat From Your Midsection And Increase Your Life Expectancy

How many of us as we get older begin to widen across out midsection? Carrying excess weight around our midsection does more than expand your waist line. The consequences of an expanding waist line have several far reaching negative health effects. Apart from making you overweight, the excess fat causes disease such as Heart disease, Lung Cancer, Breast Cancer, High Blood Pressure and Diabetes – just to name a few.

Research has found over the years that the fat around our midsection isn’t just simply lying there to be ‘exercised’ off. These cells are actually quite active and can produce hormones that increase insulin resistance, which can lead to Type 2 Diabetes. Other types of hormones released can cause oestrogen to be released after menopause that possibly may increase the chance of breast caner.

As we age our metabolism slows down, and the fat in our bodies increases. Although we may have the belly bulge we can see on the outside, it’s the fat on the inside that is most cause for concern. This fat is ‘visceral’ fat and lies deep inside your abdomen and encases all your internal abdominal organs. It is important to know the more of this type of fat we have, the more increased risk we have of acquiring the diseases mentioned above.

In America alone research has found that more than half the men are obese or over weight, often carrying the excess weight known as having a beer belly, or pot belly. Women also have the same problem, however usually as they get older (and after menopause) the fat shifts to the hips, thighs and legs.

To much fat around your middle (or anywhere on your body for that matter) is extremely unhealthy and has many unhealthy consequences as outlined above. In order to maintain health we must lose the belly fat through good consistent exercise and improved eating habits, which will in turn improve your metabolism. This activity combined will put you at a reduced risk of health problems while improving existing health problems.

It is never to late to embark on a healthy lifestyle change, to increase your chance of living longer, and eliminating unwanted health risks associated with excess belly fat. A few simple changes to your diet and an increase in physical activity can make a world of difference, and could be the difference between life and death. You will not only lose the excess fat, but you will feel better and have alot more energy. Your life expectancy will also increase allowing you to spend more time with loved ones – so it is well worth the change in lifestyle to keep your health.

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