The Wolfberry (Goji) – Another Tibetan Nutritional Marvel Western Society Must Adopt For Longevity

Goji berries are said to be a present that the Gods have bestowed upon the human population. This might be stretching things just a bit though the goji berry is a very remarkable fruit. They are known to encourage great health in those who ingest them and are thought to be a reliable means of extending longevity. Immediately it should be stated that goji berries are an excellent supplement for diabetes sufferers as they thwart the craving for sugar as they regulate the level of sugar in those with hypoglycemia.

Goji is pronounced [go-gee] and this berry is quickly becoming a popular trend of late in all its varied forms. They can be found in many variations such as a component of trail mix or diet crunch bars, they can be consumed on their own or consumed as a beverage in a juice or tea. They are most commonly eaten as a dried fruit and in fact this is when they are at their most potent.

The people who regularly ingest this amazing little berry say they experience a feeling of well being when eating them on a day to day basis or a ”I feel fabulous today” feeling whenever they take goji berries in juice form. In parts of Tibet the goji berry is referred to as the laughing berry!

In order to gain maximum benefit from the goji berry it is said that the berry must be eaten in its dried formulation though you will still receive substantial advantages from drinking the goji berry in juice form. People will often use the goji berry to make a tea – a very popular method of gaining the maximum amount of nutritional value while not needing to experience the taste. Personally I do not think the taste is at all difficult to endure. For those people who are on the go and still want to enjoy the benefits of goji berry they can take them in capsule form.

Goji berries are sometimes called Wolfberries and they are by no means a new found sensation since they have been utilized for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine for health and longevity purposes, curing many maladies along the way. Their nickname is the longevity fruit and they were given this name because in the geographical region where this fruit is abundant and consumption is greatest, there are sixteen times more people over the age of one hundred versus the rest of the nation. This group of hundred year old plus individuals appears to be much stronger and more vital than their aged peers in western society.

There is some ancient legend or myths as it were that claim one gentleman who regularly consumed goji berries throughout his existence actually lived to the age of two hundred fifty two years of age. Of course it is called the longevity fruit! It has also been named the “hallelujah berry” for reasons that the rest of us can only speculate over. But, are these claims of remarkable innate abilities truthful? Likewise with numerous other herbal and dietary additions, there is not enough significant scientific verification to back up the many therapeutic advantages attributed to the goji berry but what follows is what is understood about the goji to date.

Goji berry benefits are well known and have been displayed in various medical illnesses over time. They aid in controlling and even turning around obesity, safeguard us from cancer, thwart age associated macular degeneration [eye disease], restore hair pigment, stimulate the immunity and has been used effectively as a treatment for infertility and sexual impotency.

As highly nutritious as the goji berry is, it is thought to be extremely safe for all who consume it but women who are breast feeding or pregnant should avoid ingesting goji berries until more research has been done on how goji actually functions within our systems. Those who do consume goji berries should restrict their amount of ingestion of the goji berry to from ten to thirty grams each day. They contain selenium which could be toxic when taken in abnormally high levels. Selenium is also an essential mineral for men so goji would be an effective method for men to get their necessary selenium quantity.

Goji berries are quite effective at reducing blood sugar levels and knowing this, those who consume goji berry should avoid other supplements known to reduce blood glucose levels like ginger, kudzu and fenugreek so they can avoid the possibility of hypoglycemia. At the same time there is a warning for goji users to avoid the ingestion of herbs like ginseng, turmeric, and valerian since combining them with goji berry risks a potential drop in blood pressure.

The Nutritional Impact Of Goji Berries

Reflect on this if you will. Goji berries are a substantial source of nutrients, minerals and vitamins as well as antioxidants. Based on weight, they hold sixty eight percent carbohydrate, twelve percent protein, ten percent fat and ten percent fiber and contain three hundred seventy calories for each one hundred grams. They also are laden with an amazing thirty three minerals and six vitamins!

It is common knowledge in Chinese medicine that the goji berry has upwards of eighteen amino acids; eight of which are indispensible to the health of our bodies. It is also no secret that the tiny berry holds twenty one trace minerals. The goji is an excellent source for vitamins E, B1, B2 and B6. How absolutely amazing that this enormous quantity of healthful nutrition is found inside the tiny goji berry; about equal in size to a dried raisin? It is a veritable multivitamin in and of itself!

Here Are Even More Particulars – Check Out These Imposing Specifics: [Nutrients In 100 grams of dried Goji fruit]

• 112 mg of Calcium;

• 1132 mg of Potassium;

• 9 mg of Iron;

• 2 mg of Zinc;

• .05 mg of Selenium;

• 1.3 mg of Riboflavin;

• Between 2 to 100 mg of vitamin C;

• 7 mg of Beta-carotene;

• Between 25 and 200 mg of Zeaxanthin;

The goji berry is so insanely healthy for an individual that the common suspicion is it has to taste dreadful, but this is absolutely not true. As I mentioned I think it tastes great, reminiscent of cranberries, raspberries and even strawberries all combined into one great flavor.

By this time you must be raring to go running to the nearest health food market to sample some goji berry but you should be forewarned – goji berry products are not inexpensive. You could quote easily pay upwards of fourteen dollars for a thirty two ounce container of one hundred percent pure goji berry juice.
It might be asking too much but if you truly desire getting the maximum benefits from the goji berry, you should seriously consider becoming a total vegetarian so you can experience the entire package of the goji berry’s potential force. Who knows, once you begin taking the extraordinary goji berry on a regular basis, experiencing first hand its nutritional might, you may also live to see your two hundred and fifty second birthday!


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