What are male menopause symptoms? Is low testosterone an issue?

What are male menopause symptoms?

Is low testosterone an issue?

Do male menopause symptoms really exist? If so, what are male menopause symptoms? Yes, symptoms of menopause in a man do exist!

The time comes in a man’s life when performance begins to slow and when physical and mental changes begin to occur. Often, these changes begin in a male in his early to mid-40’s.

And yes, low testosterone is related to a man and menopause.Another term that is often used menopause in a man is andropause, so named because these changes happen in a male at the same time declining levels of androgens are occurring.

Androgens are the class of hormones that have masculinizing effects in the human body – correct levels are crucial for good health in men.

Testosterone is the most active of the androgens. Other androgens include dihydrotestosterone (DHT), androstenedione, androstenediol and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA).

During puberty, the androgens cause the masculine characteristics to develop – widening of the shoulders, deepening of the voice and facial hair growth.

And as the male ages – beginning in the early 40’s – the levels of the androgens begin declining, particularly testosterone levels, resulting in low testosterone.

To varying degrees, every male will experience symptoms of male menopause. If a man understands the underlying reasons and causes for male menopause symptoms, steps can be taken to prevent, delay, reduce or eliminate symptoms in a man.

First, what are the symptoms of male menopause in a man? Here are common male menopause symptoms:

Declining sex drive (libido) – not only does the man have less interest in sex, he will also have sex less frequently. From an average of 3-4 times a week in his twenties, sexual frequency declines to once a week or so in his fifties to 1-2 times a month in his late seventies. A related symptom is that sex becomes less enjoyable for the man.

Fatigue, lessening energy – once able to be on the go all day into the night, now the activity pace slows considerably. The same physical activity takes longer with considerably more effort.

Forgetfulness, declining ability to concentrate – although anyone can occasionally forget, there’s a noticeable change in the ability to remember in male menopause. And it becomes more difficult to focus, which ordinarily is one of the male strengths.

Feelings of anger, anxiety, irritability, depression – events or actions of others that once were dealt with easily by the male now become more difficult to deal with, another of the male menopause symptoms.

Weight gain - this increase in body fat and body weight is accompanied in male menopause with a loss of muscle mass. Start with this fact – a male that is sedentary will lose about 10% of his muscle each decade.

The fat that is gained tends to accumulate around the man’s middle section, another of the male menopause symptoms. Obesity, of course, is related to numerous health problems.

Sleep difficulties - sleep, especially uninterrupted deep sleep, is the time when the body repairs itself and gets ready for another trip through the next day.

One of the male menopause symptoms is having difficulty in falling asleep, not sleeping well and having a restless time during the last part of sleep before awakening. Not getting enough quality sleep over time can have serious health consequences.

Osteoporosis - even though a male begins to lose bone mass considerably later in life than a woman on the average, bone loss will happen and can be considered another symptom of male menopause. Women often begin losing bone mass as early as in their thirties, whereas bone loss begins later in life for a man.

Confusion, indecisiveness, declining self-confidence - part of being a healthy male is the ability to solve problems, to be efficient, to be competent, to have power and to achieve. A consequence of experiencing male menopause symptoms is the erosion of these crucial aspects of being a man.

What are the important male hormones that decline, related to male menopause symptoms?

Testosterone (Bio-Identical) Cream for Men, 4 ounce Jar – Unscented & Paraben-Free – blood serum testosterone levels of a 30 to 40 year old woman range from 15 to 100ng/dl and from 300 to 1200ng/dl for men.

For men and symptoms of male menopause, a frequent problem is that the testosterone level that is good for one man can be different than the necessary level for another man.

If a man knows what his normal testosterone levels were in his 30’s, that information can be used in determining the appropriate testosterone treatment for low testosterone.

If normal testosterone levels are not known for a man, treating low testosterone symptoms will likely begin at the lower end of the range, and male menopause symptom improvements will be monitored by you and your doctor.

Before beginning testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), it’s important to have a complete physical exam, medical history and appropriate blood testing including a PSA test to be sure prostate cancer cells are not present. Testosterone replacement therapy for male menopause symptoms requires that a physician be involved.

DHEA – DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is a steroid hormone mostly produced in the adrenal glands. DHEA and its metabolite DHEA-sulfate (DHEA-S) are precursors (needed for production of) of testosterone and estrogen in the body of both men and women.

DHEA also plays an active role in other critical functions – it is important for the immune system, it has a crucial role in the central nervous system and mood, and it is related to circulatory system health, for example.

After age 30, DHEA production declines about 10% every five years. Clinical studies have found that the lower the DHEA-S levels, the greater the risk for Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes.

A common internet search is for what is the DHEA middle age men safe dosage? A DHEA middle age men safe dosage could be considered to be daily supplementation of 10mg, 25mg, perhaps as much as 50mg per day.

Studies have shown that men and women ages 40-70 taking 50mg of DHEA daily reported significant improvements in how they felt physically and emotionally. They also reported their sex lives improved!

Men with erectile dysfunction reported improvement on dosages of 50mg a day. Postmenopausal women reported significant increases in their thoughts and feelings about their sexuality.

One should NOT take DHEA if hormone cancer is present – breast, ovarian or prostate cancer. The best time to take DHEA is in the morning which will coincide with how the body would be normally producing this critical hormone.

DHEA supplementation for men suffering from male menopause symptoms will likely result in the male looking, acting, thinking and feeling better.

A common question has been – is DHEA FDA approved? While DHEA supplementation does not currently require a doctor’s prescription, keep in mind when asking – is DHEA FDA approved? – the answer is no, it is not an FDA-approved supplement .

Note – DHEA should NOT be taken by athletes in their 20’s and 30’s to enhance athletic performance as some athletes have done.

Here is a quality source of DHEA supplementation.

Growth hormone – growth hormone (hGH) production in the body begins declining in the early twenties and declines about 15% a decade after. Declining growth hormone levels can be related to male menopause symptoms.

The fastest and best way to boost growth hormone levels in a male in male menopause is with injections done by a knowledgeable physician.

If any of these conditions exist – high blood lipids, cancer, diabetes, or abnormal liver function – it’s vital to do extensive medical workup before beginning treatment. Side effects can be serious if not done correctly. Growth hormone injections are also expensive.

Natural progesterone cream for men – this important hormone in made in a male in the testes and adrenal glands. Progesterone in the body balances the effects of excess estrogen. Too much estrogen can suppress the male’s production of testosterone which in turn leads to low testosterone levels and male menopause symptoms.

Progesterone and testosterone both help create new bone growth, and a deficiency of these two hormones leads to osteoporosis.

Progesterone supplementation can reduce the size of an enlarged prostate in men with this condition. And increased sexual desire has been reported in men and women with natural progesterone supplementation.

Progesterone supplementation is best accomplished by the use of natural progesterone cream. 10mg a day would be the level that would provide the amount normally made by a healthy male NOT experiencing male menopause symptoms.

The cream is applied on a daily basis by rubbing it on the skin, approximately 1/8 teaspoon quantity. Natural progesterone currently requires no prescription in the U.S. Read more about bio-identical and natural progesterone supplementation.

Pregnenolone – this hormone is a precursor of DHEA production in the body. Studies have shown its effects on the body and brain. It boosts energy, pregnenolone improves cognitive function and boosts mood.

Pregnenolone can help support ones ability to deal with stress. Pregnenolone helps strengthen the immune system, it supports skin health and quality of sleep.

Pregnenolone improves cognitive function with dosages beginning at 15mg per day, increasing up to 50mg a day, which are common levels for supplementation. No doctor’s prescription is currently required in the U.S.A. for pregnenolone supplementation.

Information on pregnenolone supplementation.

Androstenedione – this hormone is made in the body in the adrenals, the testes and in women’s ovaries.

This hormone has been in the news in the past because of its inappropriate use by younger athletes to enhance athletic performance.

Dosages of 300mg and higher have been used by the athletes. However, that level is much higher than appropriate for male menopause symptoms supplementation.

Much lower levels would be sufficient for boosting testosterone levels as part of dealing with male menopause symptoms and low testosterone.

A supplementation of 25-50mg just before bedtime and upon awakening would provide a similar timing and level of this hormone that is needed for the body’s production of testosterone. Stay on the low side of dosage and observe your male menopause symptoms and changes.

Editors note – effective February 2005, a physician’s prescription is required to obtain androstenedione in the USA due to abuse by athletes using this supplement to enhance performance.

Melatonin – the pineal gland is where melatonin is made in the body. Its production declines significantly with age. Melatonin has a crucial role in sleep quality and sleep patterns, and as you may know, good sleep is vital for good health in everyone.

Melatonin supplementation in the range of 1-5mg taken before bedtime is the same timing as the body would produce. Start with the lower level and observe how you fall to sleep and your sleep quality.

Melatonin supplements and information.

The general rule for beginning hormone supplementation is – begin with low dosages and observe how you feel and your symptoms. If you need to increase the dosage, do so slowly.

What lifestyle changes can a male make to reduce male menopause symptoms and support his health?

Besides taking action related to declining hormone levels during the symptoms years, a male will experience the best and most lasting results by including other important lifestyle changes.

Eliminating tobacco use, reducing stress if possible and limiting alcohol consumption to no more than a drink or two a day should be part of every man’s lifestyle.

• Regular exercise has to be considered ESSENTIAL for good health and vitality. The male body is made for movement for ones life, including during the male menopause symptoms years and beyond! Every one of the body’s systems perform better and longer when the body is moved on a regular basis.

The secret to performing regular exercise is to participate in those activities that YOU ENJOY!

Perhaps when you were younger, it was running, basketball, wrestling, hockey or baseball. If injuries are a concern, maybe a different kind of competitive sport is the answer in midlife – participating in swimming, race walking, master’s (over 40) track & field, softball and so on are examples.

Perhaps having your own exercise equipment at home fits you and your lifestyle better. Choose what works best for you – but DO IT! Supporting your health, energy and well-being should be a priority for the rest of your life.

Diet and nutrition should emphasize the following, not only during male menopause symptoms years but during the other years as well:

Eat whole unprocessed foods that will contain more nutrients and fiber and less additives and preservatives.

Especially emphasize fresh vegetables – try to work your way up to 8-9 servings a day of vegetable juices, salads and other enjoyable ways of consuming this food group.

Eat organic as much as you can. Most beef, dairy and poultry products in the U.S. are fed antibiotics and growth hormones that end up in the human body. The chemical sprays and pesticides used on commercial fruits and vegetables may have long-term health consequences.

Take a high quality fish oil supplement and use extra virgin olive oil instead of other fats and oils in your diet. Numerous studies have proven the wide range of health benefits to you from fish oil and virgin olive oil.

Take the best nutritional supplement you can find to help your body deal with today’s pollutions and the lower nutrient content of foods.

Taking a quality daily nutritional supplement made especially for a male would be a wise choice. By far, the best men’s health nutritional supplement we have found is called Total Balance Premium vitamins for men.

Many of the supplements on the market today are ineffective either due to low potency levels, or, they simply do not contain what is stated on the label. Even worst, many supplements can have dangerously high levels of contaminants due to relaxed regulatory regulations governing the manufacture of dietarysupplements.

In addition to the excellent health information and products on their website, you can receive their health newsletter (it’s free) if you’d like. The information you’ll obtain will not disappoint you!

Changing lifestyle habits important for male menopause symptoms and health.

Creating a more healthy lifestyle to combat male menopause symptoms and the aging process doesn’t have to happen overnight. Take your time, get comfortable with how you’d like to proceed with taking better care of yourself. It’s never too late to begin.

However, do get started!
If you can begin to incorporate the changes that you want to make, you WILL enjoy better energy and vitality, less sickness, a better sex life with your partner and a more fulfilling life. You really are worth it!

Want to test your own hormone levels related to male menopause symptoms?

You can! And a prescription is not currently required in most USA states. You should establish your baseline hormone levels before beginning a hormone replacement therapy supplementation program.

Your critical hormone levels can be tested at home by using the saliva hormone assay test. All you do is obtain the appropriate hormone test kit, collect your saliva sample and send it to the laboratory. The lab will send you (or your doctor, if you choose) the results. It’s that easy.

The hormones levels you can test relating to male menopause symptoms would be:

• Testosterone
• Androstenedione
• Estridiol
• Progesterone

Read more about testing your own hormones with the hormone testing for the assessment of the hormonal status for men.

Once you do your test and obtain the results, you’ll know which hormones you’re deficient in and can begin supplementation to correct any deficiencies. Remember, for testosterone replacement therapy and androstenedione supplementation, you’ll need to have your doctor involved.

Supplementation with DHEA, natural progesterone and melatonin does not currently require a doctor’s prescription in the U.S. If you’re suffering from the symptoms of male menopause and are fed up with sagging libido, you CAN take action right now to begin regaining your health.

The most important thing is that you start, and start NOW!
Test your hormones. Then begin with supplementation based on YOUR hormone test results.

If you have grandkids – ask them! Most likely, you’ll find they’d like for you to be around for them for a long time to come. You do NOT have to accept as inevitable poor health associated with male menopause.

Best of luck to you!

Related online searches are for these terms – male menopause remedies, male menopause PMS, male menopause symptoms, natural treatment for male menopause and male menopause mood swings and rage.

Male menopause mood swings and rage can happen in an aging male who feels his manhood declining due to declining hormones. It’s important to recognize the male menopause symptoms and to seek professional help.

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