Types of Traditional Chinese Medicine Anti-Aging Remedies

Longevity or “Chang Shou” in China is used with reverence for someone who enjoyed the blessing of living a long time and having a quality of life. Through thousands of years of evolvement of longevity practice in traditional chinese medicine. People have realized the following practice and remedies for a long and quality of lifespan.

Chinese herbal formulas

In the recorded history of China, the Taoist Masters were the longest living people, often exceeding one hundred years of age without showing the usual signs of aging. It is no wonder that they were consultants to many royal families through the ages. A special group of herbs have played an important part in supporting the long and vigorous lives of these Taoist. They were called “Immortal Foods” and three herbs appear frequently in secret formulas for longevity. They are listed below. These are but a part of a secret collection of special formulas.

  • Lily bulbs
  • Peach kernel
  • Lotus seed

These herbs improve circulation, stimulate endocrine and immune functions, promote detoxification and are full of anti-oxidants.

Energy Enhancement Exercises (Qigong) and TaiChi

Today, more than 70 million Chinese practice Qigong daily (McGee w/Chow 1994:xiii). Some view the method as a curative step for existing afflictions, while others use the method as a preventative measure. Qigong can be an integral component in the fight against virtually any disease. As many as 50% of all diseases dismissed by orthodox doctors as untreatable or ‘psychosomatic’ may be impressively impacted by the method; some of which being eradicated completely.
Chinese doctors have applied Qigong in hospitals and clinics to treat individuals suffering from a variety of maladies. The following is a list of some of the common ailments frequently treated with Qigong


The value of meditation as many people know, is to quiet the mind, reduce stress and induce clarity. Below is a beginning meditation.

Sit comfortably on a chair or the floor with a firm cushion. Breathe naturally and close your eyes. Each time a thought appears, put it inside a balloon and let it fly up into the sky and disappear. Do this until the thoughts are exhausted. (The first few times it may take a while, but it will get easier and faster with practice.) At this point, your body will feel very light. Your mind will become still and answers to your problems will often suddenly appear.

Self Healing Massage

Simple yet effective self-healing techniques can be incorporated into your lifestyle to give many years of benefit. Below are two of the many massage methods within the Integral Living System.


Acupuncture was developed thousands of years ago by spiritually developed people, the Taoists, in order to restore and maintain health. Taoist philosophy views a person as an energy system wherein body and mind are unified, each influencing and balancing the other. The ancient Taoists believed that there is a universal life energy called “qi” present in every living creature. This energy circulates throughout the body along specific pathways called meridians or energy channels. The Taoists felt that if this qi or life-force continued to flow freely throughout the body, health and longevity would ensue. Chinese medicine uses acupuncture to stimulate certain points on the meridians in order to unblock the qi energy.


Acupressure utilizes the same principles and points as acupuncture, but strong finger pressure rather than needles is used to effect stimulation and unblock qi. Acupressure can be used as a self treatment at home and is a perfect healing tool for small children. Below are two common acupressure points you can use at home.

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